July 2017

D7.1 & D7.4 have been finalized

Deliverable 7.1 and Deliverable 7.4 have been finalized and published today. Find it in the Publications section of our website.

Deliverable 7.1 reports the dissemination activities carried out by the EmerGent consortium partners during the project. This includes scientific conferences and publications, articles as well as websites created during the project, social media presences and videos.
As planned (see T7.4) the project has resulted in a set of tools validated in field trials and a set of guidelines for the future adoption of social media in emergency procedures. The project’s exploitation plan described in Deliverable 7.4. aims to identify possible commercial paths for the tools and the best strategies for improving emergency management systems and crisis management procedures.

D2.4 & D6.4 have been finalized

Deliverable 2.4 and Deliverable 6.4 have been finalized and published today. Find it in the Publications section of our website.

Deliverable 2.4 presents evidence from a recent round of surveys exploring citizens’ and emergency service staff’s attitudes towards and use of social media in general and in emergencies based on online surveys conducted between November 2016 and June 2017. Also it explains the ‘multiple case study’ methodology of the previous case study rounds. Finally, it summarizes the main conclusions from all five rounds of case studies and the surveys.
In Deliverable 6.4, we present two iterations of evaluation of our concept, which has been implemented as a prototype for emergency services.