October 2015

Presentation of EmerGent at CAP workshop

The CAP implementation workshop is the most important event for organisations that worldwide make use (or plan to use) of the OASIS CAP protocol. This year event was held in Rome at the Istituto Superiore Anticendi of the Italian Fire corps. In the framework of the presentation jointly made by IES Solutions and the Civil Protection of Sicily Region, EMERGENT has been introduced as a project that, dealing with social media, delivers CAP messages in PSAP control rooms.
You may see the recording of the presentation here.

Radio interview with Therese Friberg and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Koch

Therese Friberg and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Koch gave an interview in German about our survey results and how emergency services can be supported by social media.

For further information please check: http://www.euranetplus.de/2015/08/24/rettungskraefte-koennten-bald-von-social-media-profitieren/